Earlier reported that the skit maker was on Friday, June 23, invited by the Oyo state police command after the Force Public Relation Officer, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, called for his arrest over a video in which he was asking a female minor to describe his genital which he suggested in the video that she had mistakenly seen. The police also interrogated the parents of the female minor after Trinity had disclosed that he received their consent before, during and after the skit. The police command said his scene with the minor was a clear violation of Sec. 32,35 and 36 of the Child Rights Act of 2023.
The trio were arraigned before Magistrate Olúdáre Adebayo, on June 26 on a two count charge bothering on of S&xual Abuse and s&xual exploitation violating Secs 516 of the Criminal code cap 38. While being arraigned, counsel to the defendants, urged the court to grant his client bail.
While denying their bail applications, Magistrate PO Adetuyibi, said the allegation against the Skit maker and the two others, is currently receiving attention of the state Ministry of Justice. The court then ordered that the parents of the little girl in the video be remanded alongside Trinityguy at the Agodi correctional center till next sitting scheduled for July 11.