You See The People Who Dress This Way... They Have Some Attitudes That You Have Not Noticed

1. They like argument and you can't win them in any argument....

2. They know current affairs.

3. They always get radio.

4. They like gambling.

5. They are the ones who argue about politics at the Newspapers stand.

6. They always speak big, big English, but their pockets are dry.

7. They play Draft very well.

8. They are always at drinking centers.

9. That electrician and carpenter work they know best.

10. They always add another hole to their belt.

11. Their body is strong.

12. They normally don’t like to pay LEC bill.

13. They don’t allow neighbourhood meeting to end on time.

14. They are the ones that can get 2.1 at university and end up becoming Chemistry teacher.

15. Finally, they can never forgive you in this life.😀🤣🤣🤣🤣

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